Interview mit Osoko Tanaka (Teil 2)

Der bekannte Blogger Osoko Tanaka stand uns ein zweites Mal in einem Interview Rede und Antwort.
Will Nintendo release some more information about the console before this year’s E3?

O. Tanaka:
It’s sure. Nintendo will reveal more and NEW stuff about Revolution. So it means you’ll be able to know a little more about Revolution, such as games: That’s the most important part we want to know. But, if you want to know what is „the other secret“, you should wait, cause it will appear on pre-E3. And there, we’ll know more revolution games. Nintendo will make a great SHOW.
If Microsoft did his debut with XBOX360 on MTV, Nintendo is preparing another thing, more amazing.
And let me tell you more, if Sony doesn’t reveal anyinformation about PS3 on E3, Nintendo neither. And that’s why Nintendo wants to „save“ all about Revolution.
Remember: the controller 64 was copied by Sony on Dual Shock, so it could copy more things, such as „the idea“ of the „other secret“.
How many launch-titles will be released?

O. Tanaka:
I’m gonna tell you Revolution will have the best launch you’ve ever seen on a console system. And that’s why, Nintendo was working hard on Revolution, now, it is complete, they are only working on the Revolution launch with some importan thirds(…), and they are thinking about a world wide launch. You know, Nintendo plans to make his debut, and it will be amazing, awesome, impressive, unbelievable(…). You’ll see too many games, and when I speak about it, I mean you’ll see about 40 titles more or less at first day on Revolution Launch.
And the 90%, will be new franchises(…).
Do you know anything about the final name of the console?

O. Tanaka:
Like we know, Revolution isn’t the real name. And I don’t know what will be the real name finally, it is the work of a good marketing firm. When we developed for Revolution, we called it „Revolution project“, cause we didn’t know how will be finally the real name. And I heard somethinkg like „NEX“, I’m not sure, there were a lot of names there…
Will the upcoming Zelda (Twilight Princess) have any special Revolution features?

O. Tanaka:
In my last thread, there are too many people who have confused TP with Twinligh Princess, and It doesn’t mean it, think about another thing(…) TP and demonstration, is another concept.
You’ll be able to play with that game on revolution, but you can’t play with the controller of revolution, you’ll play it with the standard(…).
How do you see the 3rd party support on Revolution?

O. Tanaka:
There are a problem on the next generation console: hight costs for games. It means, thirds won’t dare to do many games as before. But, when I said „90% will be new franchises“ it means, Revolution doesn’t require high costs, so it means third will dare to do games for it. And that’s a concept that Nintendo has thought for the „victory“ of Revolution.
But don’t think less costs, means worst games on graphics…remember: revolution.
The Revolution-specs that gone public already during the past months make how many percent of the whole secret?

O. Tanaka:
I’m gonna say a message for Matt: Marketing, uh? Why didn’t you say what you really know? IGN has the „real“ information. I guess Nintendo doesn’t want yet to reveal it(….).
There are some new rumors about a 3D-Visor for Revolution. What can you say about this?

O. Tanaka:
Nintendo ON is a fake. So we can’t think 3D-Visor means Nintendo ON.
What can you tell about Revolution’s display options (60hz, RGB, progressive scan etc.)?

O. Tanaka:
It’s obvious we’ll have that options for Revolution games. And not only for USA or Japanese, Europeans too.
The hight definition will be a peripherial and you’ll be able to see movies on HD, and there will be games, on the future, with that feature too.
1080p. The real HD.
Nintendo said that there will be an external DVD-drive. Do you know if there are more external devices planned?

O. Tanaka:
Nintendo Revolution interface is prepared to accept any external device. I have not heard something about it from my inside source, so I can’t confirm your question.
A special question from one of our editors: will there be a new Pilotwings?

O. Tanaka:
Do you mean a Pilotwings Revolution? Not yet. But it would be interesting to handle that game with revolution controller. Anyway, there are a pilotwing for N64, and you can play games of N64 on Revolution.
Which classic game will you download first?

O. Tanaka:
hehe interesting question. I guess, Zelda series.
Thanks a lot for taking the time to answer all these questions!

O. Tanaka:
GREETINGS! was nice to anwer all questions.

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